Tuesday, February 19, 2008


(an aside: I thought long and hard about hyphenating that "bro" up there. Would the world have understood me without the dash? Are we ready for an english language communication protocall wherein you don't have to explicitely punctuate anytime you change an "oh" sound to a "bro"? Do we live in that world? Do we want to? These are the questions all young people must ax theyselves.)

Anyway, heard some funny stuff these past couple day cycles. The reason I'm posting them is because they are specifically NOT funny to the reading eye. Just go in there with the assumption that what I write to you here is funny.


Kid with a skateboard: So I like, thought up this tag name and I'm gonna, uh, like hella write it everywhere on campus.

His friend [is wearing a form-fitted baseball hat]: Tight.


Tony: Ok, show of hands, how many of you in this car actually listen to internet radio? NOT DOWNLOAD IT! Are you sitting there and listening or not??

This second one is funny because Tony really cares about internet broadcasting getting off the ground. He doesnt think it counts if we are just downloading. Maybe he is right. Speaking of Tony I've been meaning to link the new SuperButton website (for those that don't know SuperButton is Tony Miller's net label that releases free shit that mostly sounds like a gameboy made it). Lookin good bro!

Doublespeaking of Tony, I don't know how many people from Olympia this post will ever actually reach, but we are getting busy on the rave party tip over at his house AKA Dad's Fortress. Nestled in the fertile bosom of the Pacific N-Dub rainforest, Dad's Fort is THE spot for brightly colored dance party noise bro/fem fests with mad projections. The next one is Feb 29th and there will be hella bass for that ass.


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